Tsev / Blog / Kev Paub Lub Roj Teeb / Tuam Tshoj Tower siv cov roj teeb lithium los hloov cov roj teeb lead-acid

Tuam Tshoj Tower siv cov roj teeb lithium los hloov cov roj teeb lead-acid

13 Dec, 2021

By hoppt

cov roj teeb lithium los hloov cov roj teeb lead-acid

HOPPT BATTERY analysis: New battery energy storage uses more and more lithium batteries, gradually replaces lead-acid batteries, and is more and more widely used in the energy storage market. The process of replacing lead-acid batteries in iron tower systems with lithium batteries has begun. Lithium iron phosphate batteries have low production costs and high cycle times. The core scenario of lithium battery applications in the communications market is base station backup power.

Yuav ua li cas hloov cov roj teeb lead acid nrog lithium ion


2020 Tower Communication Base Chaw Nres Tsheb Yuav Hloov 600-700,000 Ntauwd ntawm Lithium Roj Teeb

Tau txais txiaj ntsig los ntawm kev hloov pauv ntawm cov chaw nres tsheb hauv paus, qhov chaw lag luam dav rau kev sib txuas lus lub zog khaws cia los ntawm qhov loj-loj nrov ntawm 5G hauv paus chaw nres tsheb, thiab kev lag luam ceev ceev ntawm lub zog cia ntawm lub zog tsim hluav taws xob sab, kab sib chaws, thiab cov neeg siv sab, lub lithium roj teeb lub zog cia kev lag luam tab tom txhim kho sai. Raws li qhov kawg ntawm Lub Rau Hli 2019, Tuam Tshoj Ntauwd tau txais 65,000 5G lub hauv paus chaw tsim khoom xav tau, thiab nws xav tias yuav tau txais 100,000 5G hauv paus chaw nres tsheb kev xav tau thoob plaws xyoo no.

1) Kev lag luam roj teeb hluav taws xob: kev muag khoom hauv tsev ntawm lub zog tshiab tsheb yuav tsum ncav cuag 7 lab hauv 2025, thiab kev muag khoom txawv teb chaws yuav tsum tshaj 6 lab hauv 2025. Hauv 2020, lub zog hluav taws xob hauv tsev xav tau txog 85GWh. Xyoo 2020, lub zog hluav taws xob txawv teb chaws xav tau yuav yog 90GWh. Qhov chaw rau kev lag luam roj teeb hluav taws xob txuas ntxiv nthuav dav, thiab kev xav tau ntawm cov roj teeb hluav taws xob yuav tsum loj hlob li ntawm 50% xyoo 2020.

2) Kev lag luam roj teeb tsis muaj zog: Lub lag luam lithium roj teeb lub zog cia khoom lag luam tam sim no nyob rau hauv nws cov me nyuam mos. Kev hloov cov kua qaub lead-acid ntawm lithium roj teeb nyob rau hauv ntauwd kev sib txuas lus hauv paus chaw nres tsheb yog qhov xav tau tseem ceeb tshaj plaws. Nyob rau hauv 2018, Tuam Tshoj Ntauwd cov hlau lead-acid hloov lithium roj teeb muaj tag nrho 120,000 tus yees, siv kwv yees li 1.5GWh ntawm lithium roj teeb. Peb puas txhiab tus pej thuam yuav raug hloov hauv 2019, siv 4-5GWh ntawm lithium roj teeb, thiab 600,000-700,000 lub tsev yuav tsum tau hloov xyoo 2020, uas tau teem tseg yuav yog 8GWh. Tag nrho cov yees yuav raug hloov los ntawm kwv yees li 25GWh, uas yog loj heev.

3) Tsis tas yuav txhawj xeeb txog cov kev taw qhia dav dav ntawm lithium roj teeb: txawm tias nws yog lub tsheb tshiab, 5G xov tooj ntawm tes, lub hauv paus chaw nres tsheb thaub qab cov ntsiab lus, thiab cov roj teeb cia lub zog, txhua yam yog kev txiav txim siab thiab kev loj hlob tsis tu ncua. Nrog rau kev nce qib ntawm mobile Internet thiab Internet ntawm Txhua Yam, los ntawm wired mus rau wireless, Lithium roj teeb yog tam sim no lub zog zoo tshaj plaws daws teeb meem.


Dab tsi yog lub teeb liab xaim hlau xaim thaum hloov cov roj teeb lead-acid nrog lithium roj teeb?

Raws li lub tuam txhab kev sib txuas lus loj hauv lub xeev cov tuam txhab kev pabcuam dav dav, Lub Tuam Txhab Ntauwd muaj 1.9 lab lub hauv paus chaw nres tsheb. Tau ntev, Tuam Tshoj Tower Corporation Limited lub hauv paus chaw nres tsheb thaub qab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob tau siv cov roj ntsha lead-acid, thiab txhua xyoo nws yuav tau txog 100,000 tons ntawm cov roj ntsha lead-acid. Lead-acid roj teeb muaj lub neej ua haujlwm luv luv, kev ua haujlwm tsawg, thiab cov hlau lead hnyav. Yog tias muab pov tseg, lawv yuav ua rau muaj kuab paug rau ib puag ncig yog tias lawv tsis ua raws li qhov tsim nyog.

Txawm li cas los xij, piv nrog cov roj ntsha lead-acid, cov roj teeb lithium muaj qhov zoo ntawm lub zog siab ceev thiab lub neej ua haujlwm ntev. Vim li no, Lub Tuam Txhab Ntauwd tau pib xyoo 2015 thiab tau ua tiav qhov kev sim cascading los hloov cov roj ntsha lead-acid nrog cov roj teeb hauv ntau tshaj 3000 lub hauv paus chaw nres tsheb hauv 12 lub xeev thiab nroog. Kev nyab xeeb thiab kev ua haujlwm thiab nyiaj txiag muaj peev xwm ntawm kev siv echelon raug txheeb xyuas.

Raws li kev tsim kho ntawm 5G hauv paus chaw nres tsheb nrawm, qhov kev thov rau lub zog cia lithium roj teeb kuj tseem yuav nce ntxiv. Tuam Tshoj Ntauwd tau txhawb nqa kev siv cov cascade ntawm cov roj teeb hluav taws xob thiab nres kev yuav cov roj teeb txhuas-acid.

Qhov thib ob, vim tias 5G lub hauv paus chaw nres tsheb yuav tsum muaj kev teeb tsa siab, lub ru tsev, thiab lwm qhov chaw muaj peev xwm thauj khoom tsawg. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, thaum 5G lub zog cia roj teeb koom nrog hauv qhov siab tshaj plaws shaving thiab txo tus nqi, tus naj npawb ntawm kev them nyiaj thiab kev tso tawm yuav nce ntxiv, thiab qhov zoo ntawm cov nqi qis tag nrho ntawm lithium hlau phosphate roj teeb Yuav kom muaj peev xwm ua si, mus rau lub zog so haujlwm lithium roj teeb tau coj ntau lub sijhawm tseem ceeb.

Muaj kev xav tau loj heev rau lub zog cia lithium roj teeb hauv cov chaw nres tsheb ntauwd, uas yog nyob rau hauv txoj kab nrog cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev siv cov roj teeb loj loj. Lawv yuav dhau los ua qhov tseem ceeb ntawm daim ntawv thov ntawm cov roj teeb theem; Yog hais tias lub ntauwd kev sib txuas lus hauv paus chaw nres tsheb lub zog cia roj teeb raug hloov, thiab cov chaw nres tsheb tshiab tag nrho siv cov roj teeb hluav taws xob cascade, Nws yuav muab pov tseg rau xyoo 2020. Lub zog roj teeb tuaj yeem nqus tau ntau dua 80%.

Cov ntsiab lus: Tuam Tshoj Ntauwd siv cov roj teeb lithium los hloov cov roj teeb lead-acid, sau qhov khoob hauv cov kev qhia tshwj xeeb rau kev siv cascading hauv kev lag luam kev sib txuas lus hauv tsev thiab nce qib cascading siv thev naus laus zis.


Sau ntawv nug no

teb tsis pub dhau 6 teev, cov lus nug tau txais tos!